Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Letter from SB County Citizen to the Board of Supervisors

The following letter was sent by San Bernardino citizen Annelies Kuiper to the Board of Supervisors. Unfortunately Annelies was not well enough to attend yesterday's rally, but she still made sure her voice was heard. This is a wonderful example of how to communicate with elected officials. As you will notice Annelies labeled her correspondence as PUBLIC RECORD which means that it constitutes an official correspondence which cannot (well, technically it can, but should not) be destroyed.

We realize many of you, like Annelies, are not able to make it to the rallies (yes, we have another rally coming up on May 25th), but that doesn't mean you can't be heard on this most important issue. Call or email your supervisor today and let them know your opinion on how they are handling the issue of drafting reasonable medical marijuana regulations! You can find the telephone numbers and email address for all of the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors (as well as links to map to help you figure out who your supervisor it, if you don't already know)
at this post.

And now, on to Annelies's letter:


Dear San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors:

My name is Annelies Kuiper and I live in Joshua Tree. I was hoping to be at the Medical Marijuana Rally on Tuesday, April 27th; but, unfortunately, I am unable to attend. I have stood before you many times over the years, pleading with you to abide by California Law and allow me my rights as a Medical Marijuana Patient in my Home County. If I was standing before you today, I would have said:

We are a nation of medicators! Most Americans medicate with something: alcohol, food, shopping, heroin, games, pornography, prescription drugs, self-righteousness, cyberspace and yes, some of us medicate with Marijuana.

So what? Why is San Bernardino County continuing to make such a big deal about Medical Marijuana? What evil does Medical Marijuana symbolize to you, that causes this lawless, anti-Medical Marijuana crusade in this County?

Please, stop this insanity! Stop law enforcement officials in San Bernardino County from pursuing this terrifying, unlawful Tyranny on Medical Marijuana Patients and Horticulturists. With complete disregard for California State Law and United States Supreme Court rulings, small-time Medical Marijuana Patients and Horticulturalists are being lumped into the same criminal box, by San Bernardino County Law Enforcement Officials and the Marijuana Eradication Team, as environmentally-destructive, violent, armed drug cartels, growing thousands of Marijuana plants in our National Forests. It’s not right: it’s a violation of our human rights.

Apparently the Board of Supervisors, local law enforcement and city planning officials have been unable to come up with satisfactory Medical Marijuana Regulations in all those months since the moratorium went into effect. Agonizing months, following agonizing years, during which MMJ Patients have continued to live in fear for our lives, our freedom and our property. While San Bernardino County and Law Enforcement Officials continued their relentless campaign of persecution and terror on Medical Marijuana and all of us who choose Medical Cannabis to help us feel well, with no side effects, every day. I worry that your inability to come up with reasonable Medical Marijuana regulations, is just another ploy on the part of San Bernardino County Officials…you know: “If we can’t come to an agreement about Marijuana Regulations in our County…well, I guess we’ll just have to slap an extension on that old moratorium”!!

Please don’t do that. We have some really intelligent, articulate People with us at the Rally today; People who are knowledgeable about California Law, City Planning and zoning, Science, Horticulture, Taxes, Health and Wellbeing, Accounting, etc…and we are all ready to share our constructive, do-able insights, to help you establish reasonable regulations concerning Medical Marijuana Patients, Horticulturalists, Dispensaries and Distributors. Please, let’s sit down together, like reasonable Adults and have a dialogue. A constructive, respectful, open dialogue. Please: we must end this nonsense. Stop the raids, end the moratorium on Medical Marijuana Dispensaries and let’s Talk!

Please listen to us; listen to what all of us have to say. We are all Voters and we all have Friends, Families and Loved Ones who vote and this matter is very important to us.

Thank You.
Annelies Kuiper


  1. Annelies Kuiper, This was so very well said. I wish I could put words together so well. You have said everything I feel. Thank you do much. I am now going to write all the SB Supervisors and try and be so eloquent. Right On! Everyone needs to get the keyboard in hand or pen in hand and write the supervisors as many times as you can....

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
